Since 1996, Bo’s Bar and Stage has called Red Deer home.
They love this city and it’s people.
As a business who finds incredible support from Red Deer’s people, other businesses and community groups, they believe it’s their duty to help out where ever they can.
They’re known to support local artists and their craft, even throughout the uncertainty of COVID-19.
Everyone from regulars to touring bands recognizes the overwhelming hospitality shown by the team at Bo’s.
But what Bo’s is most proud of is the number of organizations who have chosen them to host their fundraising events.
Bo’s Bar and Stage has provided a safe, inclusive backdrop for amazing people raising money and awareness for incredibly important local causes.
Their team comes together and takes great pride in working with charity and building community.
To even have a small role in that feels like a success to Bo’s. Their goal is to try and support all who are doing great things to make Red Deer a better place.
As we move toward a post-pandemic world, Bo’s Bar and Stage will continue to focus on local, both through supply and by working to build community, culture and a sense of place in Red Deer.